Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Domík is in re-convalescence after he had tonsillitis last week. We stay at home most of the time. Today we played his favorite play, visiting our friend Polar Bear at the Northern Pole. When we were buying a train ticket at the invisible ticket seller Domík asked for one "meaning".
I want a "meaning" too, I said.
We will share one, replied as he was getting a stripe of green paper from the seller.
What is it? I asked.
It tells you where you go.
With sentences like these I feel like I am taking part in the Winnie the Pooh story. I have been intrigued by the strange philosophy concept going on in the book disguised under the silly tinkling of the characters. Domík is playing and I juggle with his involuntary and misleading abstract exclamations in my head.
I have my green "meaning" on my table. It has curly lines drawn with pencil, by the kid's hand.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


I went to library. I didn't find what I was looking for but came across a magazine from 1979 on puppets. The second one is related to this film. And the last one shows marionettes by Sophie Taeuber-Arp from 1918. The first one I don't remember and the third one is some German stuff. For me, it was interesting to find these and many other pictures in some dinky seventies local magazine.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I was watching this, a nice short film, an animation playing with stones. It is quite enchanting. Then I turned and one of the guys from the film was on our floor. Domík made it, inspired by the film. It is one of the rare human representations that he has ever done, he doesn't draw much. I like the neck and breast from the shell.
I wanted to give it a try, too.

Kids, they want complicated toys and then they play with a few stones. It didn't last, I must say.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I got a handwritten letter from my cousin. What a beautiful thing such a letter could be! She was sending me something so she put a letter with it. It had a similar funny touch like the letters we wrote when we were eight or twelve. I should find them somewhere and show them, there was lot of drawing coming on along with a made up stuff, we were pretending we had little girls for daughters (or who knows what we were thinking) and experienced adventures with them. I wrote back. I asked for the real stamp at the post office to give my letter a bit of colour. They apologized for the stamp to be quite big. But that is what I appreciated about it. It almost did not fit the envelope. It added to the craziness of our mutual letter exchange. The stamp refers to a novel and an artsy cult film from the 1960s of the same name. I liked this double hint to the past fun and good stuff, both in and on my letter.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Postcard from my trip

I survived my first week. I am in Munich now and lot of work in front of me. The library here is pretty good, they have everything I need. But who is going to read all that stuff that I will copy? An who is going to work with it while writing? I hooked up to the internet for the first time today and I relieved. I couldn't believe it gave me a relief. Like I had a shot of brandy after feeling cold or something like that. One of the first things I did was going to see what is up with all the blogs. Such a dose of remedy. So when I come back I am going to finish some sewing and knitting projects and then start new ones.
First two pictures are from Mainz, the two other from Frankfurt. Oh yeah, it feels good to be in a gallery alone, without a kid.