Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Some knitting going on, forever, in this place. A sweater is almost a life long project. You start in the eighties, finish sometime by now, the style fits perfectly. (It is not this case, I started only last year).
The little guy made anacondas for the cabbage leaf plate.
So now I have to go, I must watch the Kingdom series by Lars von Trier.


Francesca said...

i just went through my crochet/knitting projects the other weekend, and ripped out all the unfinished ones that i'd started in the eighties (so to speak :)) - and found that even ripping out it's quite a job!

Unknown said...

You have done well, that is the decision that I need to make too. I guess it is worth it, we can feel like we handled some matters remaining from the past, speaking in the straight sense of the word and the metaphoric one as well.