Thursday, December 2, 2010


There is a hell lot of snow in Prague right now. It keeps falling down, just like feathers from the blanket. It looks magic, the snow. It is sparkly, as my kid reminded me today. We made a ginger bread house. I think it is the last one that I ever made. It took several days, starting with getting ingredients, going through baking, decorating, gluing it together. I like it. It is big and takes lot of space on our table. It is my art piece. It has tiny mushrooms on the roof. The weird animals around are a fox ans a hare.

We have this painting in our living room in my parents house. It is a reproduction of a Dutch painting and this is just a detail. What is the name of the guy who liked painting frozen lakes? I like the ice and the boats on it.

My little niece painted this snowman this summer. How did the theme come to her mind? I like it, nevertheless, watch out for the birdie in the feeder.

Edited: The painter's name is Hendrick Avercamp, and by coincidence I bumped into this article on him, together with links to his paintings.


Merruli said...

Just yesterday it was here in the news that you are having really a bit of a snow problem. I hope you have it snuggly and warm despite all the snow.
The gingerbread house looks wonderful!! My girls have been asking for a one, but just for the reasons you mentioned I haven't started making one yet -even though the end result is usually worth the trouble.

alessandra said...

Your gingerbread house is so nice!
: )

victoria said...

Yes you should be proud! It is beautiful! I have never made a house, we just make cookies ("pepperkaker" in Norwegian) for the moment. I will wait for Matias to be a little older (and have more patience!) to help with making one.