Thursday, August 6, 2015

on my own

I was rewarded three days on my own. Mainly because I needed to finish work on a book (that I am editing for a publishing house). That didn't stop me from enjoying various pleasures the entire free space was giving me. I didn't know which goodie, which tidbit, to choose first. It is almost finished now, tomorrow I will twine round my family again. I've been missing the little guy the most. Tomorrow his little chitter chatter start again, instant talk, monologue, about Lego and various other tidbits of his that he never stops thinking about. I usually don't have an idea what he is talking about but I remember exclamations that can relate to my own existential feelings. Before he left it was: "...switch to the creative mode..." and "...a lever that can change almost everything..." I could identify with that.

P.S. The drawing of squares is a common drawing of the Little Guy's and mine, laying around.

1 comment:

Francesca said...

Rebecca made once a drawing like that, an entire page in harlequinesque squares (i know, not diamonds) each in different colors, and I was so amazed that I had it up on the fridge for years, until it faded, and then it made it to the safe-keep box.
Life without your family is strange, so empty and so full of possibilities at the same time ...