Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Celtic oppidum

I guess that pictures of beautiful landscape would not strike you. Even a former Celtic oppidum would not help, neither the rocking stone (roche tremblante) of a supposedly magic Celtic quality (I tell you what, it did not even rock...).

It is little waiting rooms at train stations that deserve your attention. I seriously think that someone should photograph them like a series. They are kind of dried up spaces, a mixture of what things used to be 20 years ago and an endeavour to modernize which usually goes completely wrong direction. My husband liked the wall hangings, so well and badly known to me from when I was a kid. He wants one like that in our kitchen. I like it here on the blog better. I have no idea what the first one represents.

By the way, the walk in the wood and around the oppidum (you could not see it) was great.

Photo /c/ husband

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