Monday, March 28, 2016


 We went for an outing. Just as we were entering the forest, the little guy remembered that his foot had been actually hurting him since the early morning, he only realized the harsh fact now, when he had to face the long track. We had few bitter moments on the way. And as we were approaching the village from where the desirable bus was leaving, the little guy felt suddenly much better and before we got on the bus he had been happily jumping around. Back on the train he smiled again. Lot of nice cottages in that area, Brdy, it is called. Used to be an army district until recently and then it reopened for public. We didn't delve deep in, we keep it for the next time.


Saida B said...

wonderful photos, i really love to see this lovely cows...!

Bohemian girl said...

Thank you!

Francesca said...

Are people living there? Is it a sign of the army shrinking its ranks and the state budget allowing less for it, or did they just relocate elsewhere?

Bohemian girl said...

Francesca, the village these pictures are from has always been inhabited, it is on the edge of what used to be the army district. There are mostly weekend houses and cottages there. Some people live there all year round. Deeper in the zone a few people have lived through out the whole time too, but the area is less developed in a sense that it does not have the usual infrastructure, shops, buses, schools. (It has a medieval castle, though.)As far as I know the army left it, although not completely, because they don't need the area to be so big plus they also dont go so secret about everything anymore.