The reason why I started to dig in my parents attic in a trunk with my old toys was that I felt like my son needed a stove to cook on with his little pots and pans. And the stuff they sell today is too pinkie girlish for him (and of course he is a good man who cooks so he does need a kitchen equipment) not talking about slightly tasteless appearance of the thing (which I would love as a little girl, lets not be hypocritical). So I went and pull out not only the stove but also this beautiful cat that I believed had been gone to eternal fields. I mourned for it especially after I found out it was listed among hundred Czech design icons and was sold for an incredible amount of money in the art auction few years ago. And I still have it! Aren't the green glowing eyes amazing?

The brass stove is too nice for him to destroy in a minute so it just sits on a shelf as a decoration for now. He can cook on the small white one which as a girl I thought was very ugly but compared to the contemporary toys I find it OK now. Other vintage looking stoves and nicely furnished kids' rooms
here on Sanctuary's blog.

Making textile dolls was mostly a reason for me to do some craft work then really give my son some toys. He doesn't play with them much anyway. The middle red one was done by my mom and is kind of gigantic. It is made of two flat pieces sewn together. In the same way I made the gently looking one below. This one is much smaller, something like 20 centimetres and the same is for the Mr. Sun alias Master Sun above the red doll. Other pictures
here on my Flickr page.
your handmade dolls are beautiful! good to get that boy into cooking while he's young :) my son likes to cook too, perhaps more than my daughter does! And the photos of the doll and dollhouse furniture outside are lovely too...i found some old dollhouse furniture at the flea market, which my daughter is now enjoying. i feel a dollhouse theme post coming on. and congratulations on finding your long lost cat!
Tak jsem se na chvíli vrátila do dětství. Sporák jsem tedy neměla, ale ten zbytek....
I já jsem šila, když byla dcera malá - zvířátka. Kočka -moura byla a dodnes je nejmilejší, jen už musela jít na důchod, jinak by asi nepřežila, záplatovat se dá jen do určité míry :-)
That is a great cat. I remember that style of toy from my childhood. Luckily for you, it was not thrown away. The dolls make me think of my grandmother. She lived in Kobily and was a seamstress...she made me stuffed dolls.
Have a look at this article on knitting,,2285562,00.html
here it is
I loved the tvaroh knedliky with strawberries by the way
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