Thursday, October 9, 2008

Almost unbearable

A portrait of the two of us. Rather hidden in a shadow. The landscape behind us is like our past and future and the same time. I wish it was so beautiful.
The church and the place has a mystical feeling. It sits far from the contemporary town, in the mountains, in the place where a medieval silver mining village used to be. The church is gigantic, although very rural looking and so might have been the village at the time. The place has a nice setting, it oversees the valley in the first picture. What is the realistic side of it? The altarpiece used to have a wood-carved purgatory in its lower part which could be revealed by i wooden curtain, it was very stage design like. 18th century, unique piece. IT IS GONE! STOLEN! How could this happen when the maintainer of the graveyard lives right next to it? How? I am really suspicious. Angry. Sad.
Rather don't want to know how many pieces like these are stolen every day in this country. Every church has been robbed at least once. Many just yawn with emptiness.
You see, I wanted to write a nice sunny post and this is what it turned into. A true autumn melancholy. Sorry for that.


Anonymous said...

That really is so sad, but I do love your photos.

Andrea Tachezy said...

:-( Děje se tohle i jinde, nebo je to naše specialita? Rozkrádat a nechat chátrat?

Bohemian girl said...

Nevím, asi v celé východní Evropě to bude stejné, hodně památek, nezajištěných míst, nízké ceny na černém trhu. Samozřejmě ti, kteří to pak mají doma netuší, odkud to pochází. Z kazatelen se prý dělají domácí bary a z ornátů se šijí přehozy přes postel. Brrr. V Itálii jsem u někoho doma viděla takovou tu chórovou přepážku, měli to jen tak v obýváku. "Molto antico!" prej.

Esti said...

What a nce pictures of you two... I'm sorry to hear about the stolen piece... yes, it happens a lot around here too...

Merruli said...

It is so sad that there are people who are ready to buy stolen pieces of art. I can't understand how someone can find happiness in an object knowing it to be stolen.

Such a lovely scenery!

Bohemian girl said...

I think that mostly they don't know it. They don't know that the antique seller in their town has something to do with the people who rob these places. But they should realize that art with religious themes probably come from religious places. But when it is a piece of architecture like the balustrade made of wood that I saw in someone's house in Italy, they just don't have a concept of it and I don't blame them.

Jill said...

really beautiful photos. and sorry to hear about the stolen chuch items. that is very sad. things around here are not so much stolen as removed and replaced with something tacky and new. there's not enough appreciation for old things here in america.

Bohemian girl said...

You are right, I remember that anything looking little older in America, that wouldn't be much special here in Europe, made an impression on me, it looked really old there and almost fascinating.