I liked the garlands that I saw somewhere on someones blog, they were professional, long and cut out with a saw. I was wondering how difficult it is to make one. I made three rows of singing cats and glued them together. They are too many, I am afraid, so many cats singing, it is annoying. They are our St. Nicholas's day garland, they watched the window, where this Mikuláš (Nicholas) left some treats in a sock for Domík.
Usually, Mikuláš comes to your home, accompanied with Devil and Angel, often it is a masked uncle of yours, a kid gets scared, no surprise, three weirdos in the hall, and Mikuláš asks him if he was nice and obedient in the past year and the kid is so frightened that he rather is obedient for the whole following year. Anyway, I find it little too much, lightly said, and we skip it. Just imagine, that Dominik got scared when he saw the sock hanging behind the window. He liked the treats.