Sunday, February 8, 2009


The house and the door don't belong to each other, they come from my database of a disappearing town, my hometown. The gate has baroque forms but might be later as well, the forms were surviving their epoch, especially in a place like this. And the house above I like because of the garden and the way the house is grown over like the garden. It belongs to this picture, this was inside. The painting: my mum's work, it shows Český Krumlov, not my hometown. I had a picture of it somewhere here but how could I have shown it without the wallpaper!


Anonymous said...

That gate is stunning, and I hope it will be saved, and won't disappear! The different street numbers give a sense of the many history changes it has survived. Francesca

Merruli said...

Orange being one of my favorite colors I just love this set of photos. What a talented mum you have!

The gate is something I wouldn't be able to find anywhere in my country. The long history of your country makes it such a good place for visual adventures.

Bohemian girl said...

Francesca, I know, it is peculiar, I think the two red numbers mean that there are two different houses in the courtyard, but then the white one - number of the house in the town - should be there twice too!

Merruli, and that is why you have such a good design, whereas here it is overloaded by its own history. Folk art is baroque.

Esti said...

Despite the look of decay I find the house and that gate beautiful.

Ritva said...

the atmosphere!
it´s so rich,
you can actually feel time
just beautiful!

Jill said...

beautiful pictures! you are lucky to live in a place with so much history. and yes, your mom's painting and the wallpaper complement each other perfectly...lovely colors and patterns there.