Saturday, February 9, 2008

Deers are in vogue

My mum knitted this sweater after Norwegian classy types. It is two sided, the neck part is done in the way that the baby can actually wear it either side. And the back side is slightly different, so it looks like a different sweater. Which I like, it is kind of crazy. Beside that I am intrigued by these two main icons of kitsch - deer and mushroom (on my sons overalls the mushroom hides underneath the sweater), at least that is how it is seen from our middle European view. The interesting part is how it suddenly becomes popular in art and design despite its bad reputation. As things in general come back in circles after a certain time I wonder whether this is the case or it is popular because it's odd or it has been viewed as odd and it shows kind of a self-destructive taste of the audience. Anyway, I like both for both reasons and maybe for something else as well. Mushrooms are worth its own entry so one day it will be here.
This is pdf with the layout of the deers and some knitting instructions.

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