Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I am proud. Because this really looks like a fish. He didn't know it was a fish, only after I told him. He was proud. His doodling hasn't resembled much of anything, although it has been a nice confusion of lines but this is something new. He likes paints in tubes. He threw a fit that he wants those in tubes so his daddy had to go and dig out some old nice and professional gouache paints in a closing box. I had promised him to get him temperas after the weekend and he remembered it. So on Monday he took his new temperas out of a plastic tray that they sell them in, dumped his little cars from a suitcase and carefully assembled the paints in it. A day later I found them rearranged again in a plastic tray. I also want to play with tubes, cars and dolls. 


raining sheep said...

Me too - I can't paint anything but I would rather paint then work :) And it most certainly does look like a fish.

Bohemian girl said...

And he is left handed, have you noticed? I bet you have.